I think that we try to eat healthily. But it’s difficult when you have a large family, everyone has different things they are doing, so you end up having to make food quickly sometimes, and I worry that then it’s what is left in the freezer, not always the freshest food. But we do eat a lot of fruit at least, the children love apples and bananas, so we always try and keep the fruit bowl full. For breakfast we normally have toast or cereal, the children do like the chocolaty ones, but they are only allowed those on the weekends or as a treat. Most of the time it’s cornflakes. I always have toast, mostly with margarine and jam? I don’t really like cereal, and my wife has yogurt usually, again with fruit. We are all pretty big tea drinkers, but sometimes I’ll have a glass of orange juice, which is what the children usually have in the mornings. You know what it’s like, there is always a rush to get everyone out the door in time for school in the mornings, but it’s got a lot easier since they [children?] are old enough to put together their packed lunch themselves. That saves a lot of time, but still, I have to make sure that everything is laid out